
By Skyroad

Cumulous City

Stormy weather. Picked up the wean and after some lunch drove up to the indoor playground in the Dublin Mountains. Up there, I always keep an eye out for cloud formations; the view over the city is spectacular. Sky was less interesting driving there. But after awhile I slipped out while he was lashing around in the huge netted monkey cage (slides, pools of plastic balls, swings, etc.). Hard to get him to come out, even though I told him we had to go and make grandmama's tea. When I saw the drama I ran to get my camera in the boot and shoot a few frames. I needed to get back inside to persuade him again, because we really were very late.

Ah, but the clouds, roosting on their broody showers, knotting and twisting themselves into fabulous ranges, my gaze, in panoramic mode, slid off into its own playground; had to tear myself away.


Rain's architecture,
walls of castles in the air,
shore up the good dreams!

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