
By Anonymoose

Mutts Nuts

Been watching Cesar Millan, the Dog whisperer, on Sky 3 and reading the book as well. I must admit I'm a bit of a convert to his simple approach. Lots of exercise, discipline and affection - and only in that order. His whole thing is about leadership rather than training and how dogs "live in the moment" reacting to events - rather than carrying around baggage like humans do.

Sometimes though, when standing on a cold, wet, dark hill - above Bathgate. -waiting for a selectively deaf dog to stubbornly finish sniffing that one last whatever, I wonder what Cesar Millan is doing at that precise moment. I wonder also if Louie is too busy living in the moment to sense the thoughts going through my head about whether to wait until moving to the new house or not before getting his nuts removed...

Actually, the fate of his nuts are still undecided. Advice and emotions conflicting somewhat...

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