Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Grant and his pizza

Grant absolutely LOVES pizza. It can be "cheapie pizza" from Little Caesars or more expensive pizza from Dante's--makes no difference to him; he loves it all. I consider myself a pretty good cook and an even better baker, but I seem to have a problem with homemade pizza. I can't seem to get the dough even in the pizza pan. Grant and I have tried several times and he always likes our efforts, but I am usually left with some reservations. . .I like things to look pretty and I just haven't mastered the art of "throwing of the dough." He had been begging me to give it a try again for quite awhile, but usually thought of it when either A) I already had something planned or B) there wasn't enough time to make the dough and let it rise. Tonight was the night to give it another whirl. We made the dough and although it seemed a bit stickier than I prefer, it worked alright. He did his magic on the toppings and baking and I have to admit, it wasn't too bad! Probably our best one yet. The crust had a good flavor and it was baked all the way through without being to crispy. Here's a photo of my pizza lover and his latest attempt at pizza making just before he put it in the oven. He's pretty pleased with this one.

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