Family Dog

By Family_Dog

food adventures...

Whilst visiting Jen & Rob in Oxford we decided to nip into London to visit the Ottolenghi shop. Oh my god. It is every bit as amazing as I'd anticipated - and believe me, I've been anticipating it for quite a while...

Ever since I got this book for Christmas I've wanted to go and eat in his restaurant, so we thought we'd take a day to visit Nottinghill and eat his grub.

He didn't disappoint - I was worried that by being in Nottinghill it was going to be a bit up itself (the only thing that was 'up' itself was a woman I took an instant disliking to who stepped over Arlo in his buggy like he was a beanbag, didn't say 'excuse me' then spent the rest of the time at our table with her sunglasses on....beyaaatch) - you know, tiny portions for £20. Incredibly, 3 salads and a main were £15. And all of it, totally delicious.

Bargain! I wish he'd open one in Edinburgh.

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