Katie, meet Pluck

2 days old

This is Pluck. Pluck was my favourite toy as a child- who'm I kidding, Pluck has always slept in my bed, until the day Katie came home! This is the first time Katie met Pluck. She snuggled right into him and fell asleep. The midwife suggested putting a beany along her back to settle her, it makes them think there's a hand on their back, plus he smelt of me (yes, my midwife accepted Katie wasn't keen on sleeping on her back, having seen impressive head control, gave me the 'textbook' speech about no co-sleeping, no tummy sleeping, but then went on to suggest options that included both) Anyway, from then on, Katie slept with Pluck in her moses basket, on her side with her head snuggled into his tummy, and his neck and beak down her back! Even now, she sleeps with him in the cot and often wraps her arm round him in bed.

We had our first midwife visit, she walked in and told me off as I was stood at the ironing board. 'That better not be on' she said. I was delighted as the midwife was a family friend who has known me since I was about 4 and she was the first non-family visitor!

After that it was a lovely day of visits - my friend came with her 5 week old boy, we'd been through the pregnancies together, so it was lovely she was the first friend to come. My parents came round, then my sister in law and nephew. It was the first time Paolo was ever kind to a baby! He was so lovely and gentle, I nearly blipped that picture for today instead.

An early evening of noise and chaos meant by bedtime she and I were very ready for peaceful cuddles and some sleep!

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