Country File

By marypot

Little BOW peep

Emotional day today, when I went into work to say goodbye to everyone. I had the girls to look after, so that helped to cheer me up. The staff had clubbed together and bought me a Lush gift box and some goodies from Hotel Chocolat: lovely, lovely gifts. They know me well...I suppose they would do since I've spent 8 happy years at that school. I still can't believe I've had to leave. I've heard lots about redundancy on the news and from friends all over - it is in the air everywhere these days, it seems - but I honestly didn't think it would ever happen to me. The school will always hold a very special place in my heart, and I will drop back in there next term I am sure, but it won't be the same not being part of it anymore.

Here is Grace modelling the gold ribbon from the Lush box. You can just about see a smily Ophelia looking on behind!

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