Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Self-portrait.. erm, what day is it?


Yeah, so it's not Tuesday. It's not even a self-portrait. But I'm tired of that rule and it is at least a picture of me. At some stage in everyone's holiday snaps there has to be one of these awkward half-naked pictures doesn't there? To prove that you do indeed have a body underneath all the layers of clothes that Belfast demands, and because it's just not a holiday without a dip in the sea.

We were supposed to head across the coast last night, but I liked Cassis so much that we stayed. This morning I headed to the (pebbly - ouch) beach for a couple of hours of reading, sunning myself and swimming in the lovely blue sea. All highly acceptable!

After lunch we did head east, stopping in my old stomping grounds of Frejus and St Raphael and camping a stone's throw from the sea in Agay. A lovely day on the Côte d'Azur :)

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