Snippets of Life

By betho

A Day in London

On Saturday I rather spur of the momently decided to take my baby sister out for the day to London. Normally this would mean a million photo opportunities but in the end i somehow barely took any. I just like this one for the bright colourfulness. It's of the carousel that always seems to be down on South Bank near the Eye, I'm sure i always take a picture of it too!

We went to the Tate Modern, having never been, for a bit of 'culture'. My favorite was an exhibition of a photographer from Malaysia i think, who had just knocked on random peoples doors and asked to take a photo of their house. So it was just a room filled with photos of the inside of all sorts of houses. I just loved the idea, the fact that strangers had let her, the little story of a home and a family that each one contained and the contrasts between them. I can't see you getting the same reception trying that in England though!

We then headed to Wagamama's (which i was introduced to by my cousins only last week and highly recommend!) for a spot of lunch before going to explore Notting Hill a bit. Bought some amazing Aladdin Pants as i like to call them for a fiver!
All in all a nice day, though pretty knackering - London always is. It's fun that my sister is getting old enough for me to just hang out with her though! I borrowed a top of hers in the evening too, she's almost my size! Excellent! Doubles my wardrobe!

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