Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Black-eyed Susan

I am back blipping 4 days of photos because I was on a camping trip. It was our yearly family get together, only neither of my children went and none of my grandchildren. It just didn't work out this year, maybe next year. Although, my husband and I are starting to feel like we are too old to go through all the work it takes to get things together for a camping trip. Then, when you get back home, you have to clean everything up--it's exhausting.

We did have a nice time, though. The weather was so much nicer than we are used to; it was about 95 degrees. It was too hot, but it was nice to have some warm weather for a change.

This plant is one that I have always liked. It is such a sturdy plant too. I have always been kind of curious about how it got it's name, but all I could find was that it was that is was named after Olaus Olai Rudbeck (1660- 1740) a Swedish physician and botanist. And while black eyed is simple ? the plants have a black eye - none of the resources say who Susan was.

Anyway, it seems like the center is kind of waxy in the photos, I will have to touch the plant when I see them again.

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