
By mandygf

yukkie dee's

ran around town today trying to get everything done, we're going away for a couple of days in the caravan.... so we can realx.... hahaha that's funny, relax!

Well anyway as usual all I heard was the war-cry.... "I'm hungry..." from the teen, seems like that's all I hear lately, she can just finish a platefull & not even an hour later it starts again, this is from a child who I couldn't get to eat at one stage! She sure is making up for all those lost meals now! We decided to stop at you know where on the way home....

coffee was weak, chips just on the overcooked side, & iceream... well there wasn't much of it, bins were so full couldn't even throw my rubbish away & toilets, well I won't get started on them.... think it may be a loooonnnggg while before I venture there again, war-cry or not.......

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