Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Exercise Machines

Today I returned to the gym after a break caused first by having a cold, then by being ridiculously busy round my birthday time. However, all excuses have now evaporated, so it's time to get back to a bit of serious exercise and to taking a bit more care of myself. Furthermore, it really is time to try to lose some of the weight I've put on as a side-effect of the medication. Nothing for it but some good old-fashioned hard work!

This is only a small part of the gym, which, as you can see, was not very busy this morning (I wouldn't have dared get my camera out if there had been anyone around). I prefer it when it's emptier anyway - no waiting for machines etc. This particular bit is mainly weights machines (although there are a few cardio machines too), and I've used them all at one time or another, although I usually use free weights rather than machines for shoulder presses and chest presses.

It was pretty tiring getting back to it, but I'm pleased with myself now that I have. I then came home and made myself a proper lunch (pasta) and had a bath.

Think I might sleep well tonight - back to the early alarm clock this morning AND going back to the gym!

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