
By tkt

Bob's Burro

This is my friend Bob's burro. Bob adopted him at public auction in Nevada, where the herds of wild horses and burros ~ descendants of those so vital to the West in former years ~ now threaten to overrun the available food and water of their ranges. This particular one's a lot gentler now than when he first came. It's taken over a year, but Bob's a good horseman ~ and love and skill and understanding go a long way.

Bob would just say that they're good for each other.

He used to be in Real Estate, specializing in selling farms and ranches. Now he specializes at a different kind of ranch, one dedicated to being "a place to always call home" for 24 ranchers with developmental disabilities. So, though the burro's not quite ready yet, Bob's taken his other animals ~ his quarter horses, his Norwegian fjord horse, his tiny (house broken!) miniature and himself to the Special K Ranch of Montana to help, full time, in whatever way they can. He feels strongly that he's gotten a lot more than he's given.

They're good for each other.

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