The Projectionist

By veinednarcissus


From this gentleman, seated un-accompanied, his steaming drink, placed afront of him, we can assume much, and project furthter, our own opinion. He appears sad, lonely, also he appears somewhat old, wearied, dejected? His back is bent, and in light, harsh from the window behind, shiny skin of age, large-nosed with time. Those not present, at the taking of this picture, can know only what they told, squeezed through this lens, also twisted through my mouth, or through these keyboards. I tell what is wished I think others to see, not the truth, of the real setting. FOr in fact, this gentleman was not brooded alone, but accompanied, as close viewing, detecting the second cup on table, should be discerning. After this image, which I post, cropping, was exposed, a woman approached, returning to seat, drinking second cup.

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