Looking up

That's what I've been doing today. I decided this morning that I am not going to lie down and let that little layabout from next door ruin our lives. No.

I stopped moping about, unpacked our baggage that should have gone to Ireland, packed our bags for Spain, laid about on the sofa watching Dynasty (I think I have watched 15 episode in the past two days!), then tidied up, made a trifle, cooked tea for my two lovely boys and then set about finishing a painting that I started a while back.

It's nowhere near finished, and I have tinkered with filters on this shot of it. But having done so, it has given me an idea of where I want to take it in terms of the finished article. More time on it tomorrow.

Other news - the Mazda garage confirmed the diagnosis of the fault on the car - fractured fuel injection pipe. Part is on order, should be there tomorrow, so I have to ring in the morning to see whether the car will be ready tomorrow afternoon or whether they have extended my car hire for me. They are also going to valet the car to try to get rid of the stink of diesel. The girl who I spoke to told me at least 3 times that we were very lucky that the car didn't 'go up'. I am grateful that it didn't and that we did come away unscathed except for inconvenience and loss of the ferry tickets. Small price to pay.

A little glimmer of hope that maybe the next door neighbours might be thinking about moving anyway. But even if they aren't, then I have been investigating soundproofing today! It's about time we gutted our bedroom and arranged it the way we want it - so this might just be the impetus we needed to get thinking about it. We are living with the legacy of the previous owners and their desire to have cheap fitted wardrobes in the two main bedrooms.

"L" words today. Love - thats my biggy. Full of love for my son and for my wonderfully laid back husband, who has been just a perfect support for me these last few days. Lively - at times. I can be loud, sometimes lairy, never a lout though. I have been known to lust after the thighs of rugby players, but I only look!
I don't like to label people, but find that sometimes I just can't help myself. I will never ever go through labour again. Ugh. No more little ones will pass through my loins (I should maybe learn though to never say never!).
I am the opposite of laconic, known by many as adopting the approach of "why use two words when you can use ten".
Leggy (for a shortarse), used to be lithe, but not so much these days. I like to languish in my bed, because fundamentally, I am a lazy lummox.
Frequently late.
Not known for my lateral thinking.
Lady of the Laundry (but not of the Ironing), loves that her husband never leaves an empty loo roll in the lavatory!
I am a leader, at times, but happy to be led by others too.
I object to league tables.
I love to learn.
I'm pretty level headed, most of the time.
I lament the loss of the good old fashioned letter - I loved to write to my Aunty Pat, and I wrote a number of letters to Corin when we first started out together. Gone are the days though when a letter that isn't a bill arrives on my doorstep.
I am a bit (lot) of a lightweight when it comes to alcohol - doesn't take much to get me lashed!

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