The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM


A day off and managed to catch up on some chores.

Hoovered certain absent sons' rooms. I may be in some trouble for this, as I had to move the detritis that decorated the carpets before I did so. Reasuringly I did find a carpet still there underneath it all, in both rooms.

Trimmed our fledgling hedge on 3 sides of the garden. The 4th side had already been cut by our neighbour. I've always liked that man!

Even managed to cut Ally's hair, but remembered to change clippers, before I did.

Dad is continuing to astound medical science and is back on a normal ward after less than 48 after major surgery. 3 cups of tea before 07:30 this morning and was requesting his mobile phone and clothes be brought in.

I felt it best to warn the family that he IS back.

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