I gave this baby a good shaking last night at the jammin' season by the
Big Hilly Billies... it was a fun evening!
Today was Susan's last day visiting us - it was a way to short, but totally delightful visit.....come back again anytime Susu!!!
I drove her up to the airport in Sydney, but not before I packed everything for Richard and Terry to head down to set up at the Baddeck Farmer's Market, can't miss a day at the market you know! Anyway, it was unbelievably windy and so much so, that at one point the wind whipped a cup from the table, and it tumbled to the asphalt payment below.....there was a collective gasp as we watched this happen!
Amazingly enough, the cup wasn't even cracked, now hows that for indestructible pottery eh!! We did well again, but i have to say it was a bit stressful as the wind billowed the fabric on the table up and around!
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