...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Another Point of View!

We lead Youth group tonight. The pastor and a group are at camp. There was 21 kids with us. My hubby did the lesson tonight, he used the Superman movie about the world needing or not needing a savior. The movie clip was Lois Lane having written an article stating why the world didn't need a savior. Superman told her that she can't hear it, but he can hear people crying out for a savior everyday.
My hubby gave the kids a small slip of paper and asked them to write one or more of the following on the slip signifying why they might need a savior.
1) Sin
2) Evil Powers
3) the Evils in the World
4) Eternal Death
5) Guilt & Shame
6) Hard Circumstances
The kids brought them up to the front and placed it in a bowl. He then told them that they can be forgiven for whatever they may need. That they can have these hurts, fears and shortcomings removed. Then he lit a lighter and touched it to the bowl, the flame was like a quick fireball. The kids we in amazement, oohs and awes!

It was a good nite...

...the shot...a new hair cut! This guy loves to have his picture taken!!!!!

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