Images to inspire

By kenwindsor

Just another window shot

No two moments are the same - as the sun lights up the hills in a million different ways. This was a special light, the kind of light that I had shared with Eileen, oh so many years ago.

We met on a train - well where else did you meet in the 60's?

I lived in Somerset, and all I knew about her was that she lived in Swansea and had just started working as a nurse, I did not even know her name. I was infatuated, I just had to find her again, but how, where could I start?

When you are infatuated you do crazy things, and long before Katy Melua sang the song, this was surely the closest thing to crazy in my life.

I found myself writing a long letter addressed to "The Personnel Officer" at the biggest Hospital in Swansea just describing her, and asking if the description rang a bell. Now that is crazy!

A week later I received a telephone call from Eileen, she had been given my letter by her Ward Sister. Crazy does work you know!

Traveling up to Wales each weekend from Somerset was never going to work, and we eventually called it a day, but my memories remain, and I often wonder just what happened to her.

I feel another crazy letter coming on.

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