A long day

Mum and I have had a very busy afternoon. Mum had the afternoon off work and we were going to Sarah's house for lunch. Vikki was there with her baby Jenna. Jenna is nine months old and crawling around. She liked my red shoes and kept crawling over to me to touch them. I didn't like her doing that though and got a bit upset about it. Mum didn't really understand why. After we left Sarah's we went to see Angus and his new baby sister, Olivia. Also visiting were Mum's friends Ros and Nick who were here on a flying visit from Thailand for a wedding. I had talked about Angus all day long ever since Mum told me we were going to see him, but then when we got there I stuck to Mum's side like glue (hence no pictures!).

And then, because I am really bad at saying no, I got an emergency call from work asking me to take part in a conference call with some people in the States. Because Orla wouldn't let me out of her sight, I ended up in the back of the car with her, my phone on mute unless I needed to speak. I thought there were only going to be 3 people on the call, but there was actually about 7! It was mega-stressful, and Orla picked up on that and thought that I was angry with her. Ed was supposed to put her to bed tonight but she wanted me me to do it She gave me a big cuddle and told me she was happy, so that's alright then. It's tough, balancing work and family. I feel guilty no matter what I do.

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