Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Maillots Amarillos

A lazy morning out to buy the paper and have a cafe con leche at Enrique's Bar round the corner. DD was still showering when I got back, so I strolled out with my 'big camera', as we call it, with the aim of capturing a specific shot. The lighting wasn't great for it so it didn't make the cut, but it is at least in the mental blip bank for another day. I decided to use this one, which I took en route, for a bit of fun; there is something Saturday morning-ish about it.

It was in this bar, we call it 'The Decision Bar', that in 1998 we decided to buy our present, 'wee hoose'; the criteria were that it be an apartment on the third or higher floor, with view, lift, underground parking and three to four bedrooms. Our house failed drastically to match any of these but we bought it's amazing what a banana tree in a patio can do!

As this is a slice crop, will be better in LARGE

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