The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Was this worth it?

Well, Yes is the answer, so I will tell you the whole story, not a pleasant one at that.

I decided after dropping my grand daughter off at her parents that I would go just a little out the way home, as you do, and get a blip of the marina in the local Shopping center, Merry Hill, which is owned and run by Westfields, a Multi-National company.

I positioned myself on the bridge over the canal and took a few shots, well six in all, when this pseudo policeman (Security Man) walked over and demanded that i stop taking pictures as he put it, You need written Permission" and "it is against Company Policy", I looked at him with a Blank expression and said why?
He gave me no more information and asked me to leave.
The following conversation would be censored if I wrote what I was saying to him.

So when I got back home I have written the MD of the British Westfields asking for written permission, lets see what follows.

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