Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Little Miss Escapee!

The front door opened, I looked round,
no one looking at me,
haha can't catch me I thought
as I made for a great escape,
Flying past my uncle martin as fast as my legs could go
down the road I went towards a moving fluffy object
Oi were you off to, I hear,
chuckling, I continue my quest,
fluffy object was moving,
I must, I must get there,
the yelling happens again,
I look back, see mummy and uncle martin,
debate behaving,
then decide to give mummy a taste of whats ahead..
I continue off, my bottom wobbling away,
suddenly hands scoop down, picking me up,
I fly into the air, as uncle martin asks me,
and were do you think your going,
auntie celia points out fluffy object, cat she says,
uncle martin kindly takes to see fluffy object,
but it went fast, so back we came
My adventure was such fun!!

Mummy note, No child was left unattended at any point! one adult was in front and one behind at all times!!!!

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