images of bliss

By a2t

My Grandparents' Farm

My great-grandfather started leasing this farm - called "Falbringen" - from the city of Biel/Bienne, which is situated in the 3 lakes region of Switzerland. My late grandfather and grandmother lived here for most of their life, farming the fields on the edge of the city. My father grew up here, but moved away when he was 20, while his elder brother ran the farm together with my grandfather. I came here very often when I was little and I absolutely LOVED it. Riding down the slope on a tricyle (and tumbling over eventually), making new discoveries in the heaps of bric-a-brac up on the attics, looking after tiny newborn calves - it all was one big adventure. I will never forget sitting at the large kitchen table, waiting for a scrambled egg my beloved grandmother was cooking for me. In the end, they had to give up farming due to the city not supporting plans for a new business strategy - and so, they had to auction away everything, livestock included. It was all very sad.

Today, I went there to have a first look after many, many year. It's now run as an organic farm (following Demeter standards). I was so asthonished to find everything almost exactly as it looked like when my grandparents left. It was one big flashback. A good one.

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