Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Having a roll

Peggy loves this rug in our bedroom. Luckily it doesn't show the hair. She rolls around on it and snorts and sneezes.

Spent the day down at the yard again. Time seems to go by twice as fast when I am down there. Rode this morning and then spent most of the afternoon fencing off a paddock for Lime so he can be on his own when the treatment for his sarcoids starts tomorrow. Apparently the cream is really nasty and burns so can't come into contact with anything other than the Sarcoid - so consequently he can't come into contact with any other horses, but he can still see his friends over the fence.

Planned to do so much in the house this weekend and not done any of it. Still, have had fun with the horses and that is what weekends are about.

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