Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle

Baloo of the Bushveld

Sean is working the entire weekend, so I decided to take the dogs back to Saamrus. I invited my folks along, as they had never been and were also in serious need of a break from the old routine.

We arrived around 3 pm and were shown to our unit (Suikerbos)... it's lovely and spacious and VERY old... it looks and feels like a real old farmhouse:) The fenced-in area around the house is largely unspoilt and consists of many indigenous trees, shrubs, rocks and "bushveld" in the true sense of the word.

My mom and I took the boys for a run up into the hills just before sunset. They are allowed to run loose, as they are socialised and not aggressive towards other dogs or people. They ran until their little legs could run no more...

This is Baloo, standing in front of the unit, surveying his new surroundings. The view is gorgeous and sets the scene for an awesome weekend:)
(We first visited Saamrus in May 2010:Saamrus)

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