
By Fisherking


Look very carefully at this net.

Can you see the big fish in it?


Neither can I!

And that's the way it's been all day. The promised big fish didn't turn up, and as I was only geared up for big fish my tactics were all wrong. So the match was a disaster (a much over used word I know). Trying to adapt big gear to catch small fish is not easy, so the result of 5 hours fishing was just 1lb 15oz of fish. (The winner, who was on a peg where the big fish did put in an appearance, had 84lb 4oz!)

Any one who says that it's not winning, it's taking part that counts is either lying or doesn't understand competition!

Still, there's always next week.

Oh, almost forgot, I saw a mink on the bank today. I bet the little bugger caught more fish than I did!

And the bacon and sausage butty for breakfast was excellent!

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