
By timon

Red-throated Loon

I had lots of good kayaking and trekking plans for my holidays. I haven't done any of them though. Tomorrow is the first working day so I figured I need to do something today if I want to do it on holiday. So we went to Isojärvi national park and had about 14 km walk there. There were two Red-throated Loons (kaakkuri) in one of the small lakes. Little bit far away for my 300 mm but at least the typical habitat is included in this picture.

When I joined Blipfoto on August 2nd 2009 I set a goal to take a photo every day for one year. The main purpose was to photograph more, enhance the subject matters an in general improve my photography.

It's done now. 365 consecutive pictures are posted. First of all I'm glad it's done. There were ups and downs of course. Sometimes it was pure fun and sometimes it felt too compulsory. I'm very happy I managed to reach my goal and feel a great relief the must is over. What must? Well, we all have our demons.

I really appreciate those blippers who have posted a picture almost every day year after year. However, I feel that's not my cup of tea. My life must have starts and ends, clear milestones and goals to reach. For that purpose this year has been great. Hopefully I found some new project in my photography after this one. Anyways, I'm not going to end blipping. I do it when ever there is something to blip but definetely it will not be a daily action.

I've taken more pictures than ever before. I've definetely taken pictures of subjects I've not even thought before. I think this year has changed at least a little how I take pictures. But have I improved. I hope so but don't know. All I know is that there is still plenty of room for improvements and new things to learn.

I feel I haven't been very good community member but still I'm sure that the blip community has been a great support to get over the downs and to continue towards the goal. You are great! Thank you.

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