
By oryk

Cousin Clay

Today was the big reunion gathering on the lake. Everyone who could make it did: we had seventy or so family members from four generations here. Only about twenty cousins were absent. The day is a blur. We started gathering at the yurt around eleven in the morning and left when they looked us out at eight in the evening. I vaguely remember hiking, kayaking, card-game-playing (Uno and an epic Apples-to-Apples session), barbecuing, dog-petting, nonsense-making, chatting, three-flies-up playing, wiffle ball tossing, joking, laughing, rescuing, calming, exciting, hiding, seeking, teasing, posing for group photos, spontaneous singing, talking, listening, and feeling closer to most of my family members than every before. I had a fantastic time, and I think everyone else did too. I can't wait for the next reunion,whenever that is.

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