My happy little life

By khoola

God bothering

Today I had the great honour and privilege of becoming Charlie's godmother. I have never been asked to do this for anybody before, and I feel very special indeed. Charlie's mummy is one of my closest friends, and Charlie and his brother hold a very special place in my heart. Katy did an excellent job of making it a lovely day for all concerned.

That said, I was out strutting my funky stuff until 2am last night, and presenting myself at church at 9:45am proved to be a bit of a challenge. Those who know me will know that visiting a church at any time of day would normally pose a bit of a challenge anyway! But on this occasion I was willing to brush aside my usual cynicisms and throw myself into the whole spirit of the event.

I think I did ok. I sung hymns. I repented my sins. I renounced evil. I tried not to breath boozy kebab breath on the vicar. I did an excellent job of not falling over in my distinctly inappropriate shoes. I only sniggered a little bit at the weird monk-types processing about the place (very da Vinci code). I possibly stepped over the line when referring to the communion wine as "hair of the dog". But contrary to certain predictions, crucifixes did not spin, the font did not boil and I did not burst into flames upon entering the church. Overall, a resounding success I think.

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