
By Rab

Acapulco, Mexico.

World travelers say that Acapulco has one of the five most beautiful harbors in the world, ranking with Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong, San Francisco and New York. Almost land-locked, it's a safe haven for shipping against all storms. Overlooking the harbour, Fort San Diego has provided another kind of protection since the 17th century. Green and yellow hills rise to 3,500 feet directly behind Acapulco, but for scores of miles north and south the rest of the coast is flat and open to the sea. Everyone has heard of La Quebrada! These jagged cliffs are famous for the daredevil youngsters who dive 134 feet into a narrow tongue of foaming sea. The boys have their own association and work together, deciding among themselves who dives when and at what time an apprentice has become skillful enough to dive from the highest crag. Seen from the terrace of a nearby hotel, it is the most spectacular of Acapulco's floor shows.

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