Chick Flick

By Flick

My First Sunset I think...

Sunset here in Northampton was at 6.18PM approx so as I had no blip I raced over to Sywell Park through the rush hour Traffic and then walked to the wrong side of the reservoir only to see the sun begin to disappear behind a cloud ...all very exciting I must say happens so quickly...This is the first one out of the camera ...must learn my easts from my wests

Today It POURED, an inch of rain fell and then on my way to pick Henry up the Sun came out..but didn't have my camera..disgraceful.

Have had an incredibly busy day doing nothing...

Now have a thumping headache nearly didn't post but thought don't want to start that again...
Will catch up tomorrow

Step count 8793 better! I must point out to Archangel that the reason I put these figures here so regularly is not just for those inside the site who are rivetted by this but for a certain person or persons outside the site ;)

EDIT: spirit willing flesh weak no more comments I fear ....I blame Benek's twirling Dervish :o

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