My life in blips

By Goretex

.....all the way from the Netherlands

If you were in the centre of Glasgow this afternoon, you might just have heard these guys. Fantastic! Great sound and entertaining to watch. Unfortunately, I had just started snapping away with the handbag camera when they finished a piece and announced they were away for a break. Shame.

This morning was the start of the church holiday club. All went well and the chn seemed to enjoy it.

All groups have build a pyramid pad (bit like a den with sheets over chairs) and tomorrow we continue to decorate it.

Memorable highlights of today .....

a) Jonny, the youth pastor, bouncing onto the stage in a "fat" suit to lead aerobics;

b) a child describing the word "jealous" as, "my mum is jealous of my sun tan" (this was when we were talking about how Joseph's brothers were jealous ie absolutely hated him because of THE coat;


c) the chn's worker's 5 year old speaking into the mic when we are having the de-brief and asking "where's Dr Potty?" (the eccentric character from the daily drama slots) and keeking behind the pillar scenery to see where the puppets had disappeared to!!

Guess you had to be there!

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