Open Your Eyes and See

By OpenYourEyes

What's in Your Wallet

After reading Vic and Darren (+2)'s blip Wallet i felt inspired to share.

I have been operating out of 2 purses since coming back off holiday on 10th June! last night i finally decided to merge them back into one and today take the photo.

There was a lot of stuff, please feel free to give up reading:
* 12 old recipts - Countless Tesco recipts, sainsbutys cafe, morelis cafe, TK Maxx , supredrug, specsavers, home bargins, debenhams.
* 2 boots money off vouchers.
*$24 US Dollars - left over from holiday to T'gypt
*4 1st class stamps
* Slimming World Star card - Take in some food to share and get a star - 6 stars = 1 free week!
* 3 x Moreli's Loyalty cafe cards
* Nandos Loyalty card
* Subway card - hate subway why i have one is a mystry to me
* Cineworld card
* Driving lessons appointment card
* 2 x travel insurance cards
* Costa coffee loyalty card
* Boots advantage card
* Slimming world weigh in chip card
* M&S Cafe card
* Yorkshire Bank Debit Card
* Tesco Saving Instant Acess Card
* Waterstones card
* Centro Cafe card

My God i carry some crap with me!

So whats in your wallet!?

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