My Aim is True


Crop crap

Last night, as I sped passed just before midnight, I saw these daisies being installed. Of course now I wish I'd blipped that....

As I was taking this blip at an unbelievably early hour I was tapped on the shoulder by a client

(in my head)
Client: Oh, hello MAiT. Is that you on a day off, having a wee wander about and taking some photos of the pre-festival atmosphere?
MAiT: Sorry!? You think that although I work my arse off to keep you and your lot happy, that if I had a day off I'd be here? At this feckin time? Rather than in my bed? And I'd be taking photos? Rather than getting some of the sleep that you've denied me? way

Client: Oh, hello MAiT. Is that you on a day off, having a wee wander about and taking some photos of the pre-festival atmosphere?
MAiT: If only (chuckles). No rest for the wicked, eh? Just off to work. Laters!

Today, I was mostly the statue.

I have cropped this, into about every possible permutation. And they all looked adequate. So went with this one. However if you think it could have been better, then I am open to change.

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