Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Thistle Beauty

Another Monday bites the dust. I don't know why they are so hard to deal with, but they are. I was running all day, you would think I would lose weight--nothing works.

Anyway, I took a lot of photos today, but decided on this one. I drove to the other side of town looking for some sunshine, and I did find a little. This thistle bush was sticking out into the road so I parked along side the road and took several shots. It actually was a road I used to live on, and some of the people I know are still around there. Well, some of those people came by as I was taking my shots and had to comment. One guy said, sarcastically, "that is sure a pretty flower". I said "It sure its, it is beautiful."

I do think thistles are beautiful, even though I don't want to try to pick one.

Here are my 2 back blips:

Saturday's blip.

Sunday's blip

Hope you have a great Tuesday!

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