Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

Mölkky, the game

Back-blipped on Tuesday Aug 3rd

On Saturday we had a fun evening. Four more visitors came to our summer cottage resulting in 14 adults, one baby and one toddler. Still enough room for everyone to sleep in privacy (if one can call our living room as 'private')

After a tasteful dinner we youngsters started to play a few rounds of Mölkky. It is a fun game. Soon we realized that the game missed something.

So we somewhat redesigned the game. Only the scoring remained the same.

The rules started as follows:
1. Aim is to hit as few points as possible. One loses when scoring more than 50 points.
2. Not hitting to any mölkky, one gets 13 extra points.
3. Scoring exactly 50, the score is decreased to 35 points.
3.1. Exception to this rule: if scoring exactly 50 by a missing a throw, one loses.

Playing a few rounds seemed to be fun. A lot more fun than playing the official Mölkky.

But, as the life goes on, the rules are bound to change. So we changed the rules a bit:
4. Scoring 10, 20, 30 or 40 points, one gets 3 extra points. These are so called catch-up-points.

That made a lot sense. What's more fun than a competitor to get 13+3 points when missing a throw.

A few more rounds (and beers) we saw that some of us are stepping over the throwing line. So we decided to add one more rule:
5. Overstepping the throwing line gives one the pleasure of a re-throw. Counting the both throws to the score, of course.

This is just one variation of the Mölkky game. There's a lot of them, including a Mölkky-Golf.

some official links:
The Finnish Mölkky Association
Mölkky in Wikipedia

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