
By champignons

more carousing

I told you I like these things.
I do!

Mr Nut realised his life time (though admittedly, not that long held) goal of meeting his hero spot the dog ('woof' he says, pointing)

Mr Jim met his hero Hugh Ferny whittling stick. (Hugh was very late and very brief and I looked after the Nut alone for hours as a result so he's no hero of mine as the Nut can run very fast and collected up litter and gave it to strangers- it happened to be a token for free gin as the stranger kindly pointed out I would probably be needing that.

I realised the ultimate dream of my five year old self and saw Madness live, though my adult self preferred the Cuban Brothers that preceded them. The nut stayed up till nearly 11, which was impressive, especially given the amount of napping he hadn't done.

We all slept very well bar being woken by a (presumably) drunken person in possession of the emergency tannoy system asking the entire site if we had the funk.

oh and I bought a munkiehatto make up for forgetting to bring my tophat

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