Everyday Sfinx

By Sfinx

Speak thy heart!

An intense debate on lifestyle and consumption have been seen in Swedish media currently!

Nina Björk, a columnist in the daily Stokholm based "Dagens Nyheter" started this debate through in her chronicle addressing how interior design journals and TV programs colonize our dreams:

"Our home is beginning to go quite ragged. The floor lamp has rips in its screen. The coffee table stands on rickety legs and the dining-room chairs are odd. That´s why I have written a list: "To buy when we have the money."

But, I have changed my mind. I don´t see all ragged and borrowed things in the light of a shortage, any longer. I see it as a political resistance act. A contented human is a threat to our economical and political ideology. I shall be that human!

Ha, ha! I will not rebuild our kitchen. I will not get mosaic for the bathroom. I don´t install a dimmer light in the ceiling. I´m walking here in the old and ragged, resisting! Against Mr Over-ideology, who with fair voice say: What you have won´t do! I say: Sure it does! It´s doing real finy fine!

Commenting on the plethora of interior design papers doing their best to make us feel the urg of dreaming interior comsumption dreams, she also wrote:

"It´s dreams of shit! Just shit-dreams! The world is burning and we shall dream of new kitchen tables!?"

Excuses for my Swinglish translation!

BTW! The blip is a processed montage (thanks scintilla for the inspiration!) of a detail from a container. In containers I have found many useful things, being thrown away quite new!

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