Prague - Day 3

I had to beg, steal and borrow an umbrella from the hotel this morning. I came without a coat or brolly and had unsuitable footwear for such inclement weather. The umbrella on offer was in a bad way, but it did a good-enough job of keeping me dry as I walked to work for the second and final day of the course I was on. The temperature was significantly cooler after a sweltering Wednesday and Thursday so I didn't feel the need to have a siesta come the end of the day. So I walked across the river again and had a mooch about but got cold and damp as the weather got gradually worse. On my way home, my feet squelched in wet shoes and I battled to keep the working half of my brolly taught enough to provide some protection. I headed for a pub to escape the torrent and warmed up with a nice big bowl of pasta, washed down with a pint of magners! Class.

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