Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle


On my way to work: This little surface drainage pond is often full of cows. This property is owned by a farmer friend of mine. I have helped him several times during hay season by "raking" hay for him using my old tractor. His farm is situated on the side of the local highway in a prime development location. My farmer friend is anti-growth, pro-environment and he often speaks at zoning hearings and is active with the Piedmont Environmental Council in efforts to preserve green space and to promote environmental quality. He fought very hard to preserve Lake Frederick where my family loves to kayak. Unfortunately the efforts to preserve Lake Frederick failed and 2200 housing units are being built as I type this. I am quite saddened by our failure as a civilization to appropriately address the need for environmental preservation. Our lack of foresight will be our legacy.

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