Wedded Bliss

A relaxing morning before we headed west to Kirkhill for the wedding we were invited to.

A classic Scottish highland kirk was the setting for the service. The minister was brilliant, he was full of fun with a great banter with the bride and groom throughout the service. He looked like an old Doctor Who with a colourfull long scarf.(or at least that is what it looked like it may have been part of his outfit for religion)

It was then down to the big house, what a cracking location and beautiful old house.

The kids just ran around the lawns, it was a lovely afternnon and everyone just chatted and relaxed as the photos were taken. I played croquet with some of the men.

It was a great mix of guests with a few from the bride's home of Shetland.

Great speeches, great food, fabby ceilidh and brill 80's disco.

All in all the best wedding I have been too, the atmosphere and the relaxed nature was brilliant.

This is Maria with Euan in the background after the church service, thanks for inviting us to your wedding, we had great fun.

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