One Shot Only, Please

By dougoblue

The Tween in Me

I work at an advertising agency that creates websites for some brands that market their products to tweens. When I look at this fifth grade photo of me, I wonder what types of advertising were being targeted at me at that time.

Today our clients start campaigns that encourage kids to get outside, be more active, eat healthier, protect the environment and even to be good at sharing. When I was growing up we didn't need any encouragement to get outside and be active, but we didn't have much of a choice. Our TV only got a handful of stations, and half of them were fuzzy due to our faulty UHF antennae. We didn't have any video games - board games were reserved for when we needed them, like when it was rainy or we were just bored.

Tween's today's are way more savvy then we ever dreamed of being at acquiring information... and knowing how to ignore it. But they are also monitored much more closely.

I certainly have a lot of fond memories of those days, and how optimistic everybody was.

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