
By Fisherking

I am the God of Hell Fire , and I bring you.......

a collection of lighters!

Bereft of ideas today, I was casting around the dining room when I suddenly realised that I have an inordinate number of lighters, a quick scour of other rooms, my jeans and the car revealed a total of 11!

I have two Zippo lighters, one with my initials engraved on it (a birthday present from the kids) and one that declares I'm "Proud to be a Filipino" a present from the Son and Heir's girlfriend (her dad lives in the Phillipines). My Moscow lighter is from my trip to Siberia.

The others? I just get them given or buy one when I can't find the others.
The black one is a gift from the Painless Pole's holiday, the blue one lives in the car, the red one lives in my fishing box (why I feel the need for a lighter with a thermometer and a torch incorporated, who knows?), the orange one bottom left also lives in a drawer in my fishing box, the rest just kick around the house somewhere!

Maybe my nicotine habit is getting out of hand!

Incidentally the Russian for lighter gal-ka

Da svidanya.

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