Me by the Sea

By robindbythesea

Sunset From My Bedroom Window


This is the land the sunset washes,
These are the banks of the Yellow Sea;
Where it rose, or whither it rushes,
These are the western mystery!

Night after night her purple traffic
Strews the landing with opal bales;
Merchantmen poise upon horizons,
Dip, and vanish with fairy sails.

Emily Dickinson

Our sunsets down here on the Sussex Coast are rarely this interesting. Not to mention that most of my attempts at photos of sunsets are marred by the 21st century - unattractive roofs, wires and light poles seem to be everywhere...

I took this one while leaning out the upstairs guest room window.

It is just a photograph of sky.

I think Emily is right. It does resemble the sea.

A mysterious, magical sea... In fact, an image plucked directly from magic realism... Well, I digress and appear to have wandered off...

It is just the sky... from my bedroom...

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