Odd Days

By odddays

Happy Anniversary to Us

Today Mr. Odd Days and I celebrate 21 years of marriage! And, no, this isn't Mr. Odd Days. Nor is it a commentary on our marriage.

Today I was so close to this bear that I could have just about reached out and petted him. Assuming I could clear the electric fence and the barb wire fence and didn't particularly care if I got my hand back. :) I really was less than 3 feet away! Kids and I took Grandma, 1 aunt and 2 cousins to visit the Olympic Game Farm. The relatives are visiting from out-of-state and the cousins had never been up here before. This is a fun tourist place where you can see a few animals retired from the movies and some other fairly tame ones and feed them bread ... from the safety of your car. Mr. Odd Days and I and my sister saw the movie "Salt" for our anniversary while Grandma stayed home with our kids plus the two cousins.

Note: Have just back-blipped the last 3 entries.

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