~kdoes in Berlin

By kdoes

3 Punctures

Went to the health centre today to get my shots for India. On the way there suddenly my bike felt funny. Jumped off and my tire was punctured. So left the bike against a wall and continued to the health centre on foot.

Got my 2 shots. (I'm now double plus good protected against tetanus: I needed a DTP shot but also had a tetanus shot a month ago)

Then went back to the wall to retrieve my bike and actually found it to be quite a cool wall. So *blip*! Got my tire fixed by a bicycle repair shot (I can do it myself ... but that meant walking home with my insanely heavy bike (one piece of steel the frame says) and I was lazy).

Had a busy day after all the puncturing and am now off to bed!

Changed the blip: the old one. Let me know which you like best!

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