Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Dishin up

Been a v bad girl and bought myself a big pressie. Battery is charging up for tonight though so saving it for tomorrow.

Productive night - managed to offload our old fridge freezer and kitchen scales to Mr EG's bro / Katie and clipped off Jacks neck and belly hair so he is now much cooler, hunted down my special delivery in Barrow and was home in time for tea.M cooked yummy lasagne for us all and we had lots of laughs and I am now v full and a bit tiddly.

Lime had the third session of cream today and could tell it was hurting him tonight. Vet says it is starting to get to work now - I should bl%dy think so as it has probably cost me near on £200 already! Horrible to see my baby in pain - just got to keep focusing on the end result.

Good to finally get our dining room back. Intended to be ETB but look it is nearly 11.30pm already!

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