
By jphotos

up down up down..

this follows on from wednesday's blip,

my family own 5 holiday cottages which we let as self catering cottages; change over day is friday, so this morning i was stripping beds and cleaning the whole house head to toe,

at coffee break we got some devastating news, my great aunt died this morning, :( she had lung and stomach cancer, such a painful way to end such a happy life, rest in peace auntie Jo <3

this afternoon everyone was a bit solemn so i threw myself into some art to take me away into a different world,

here is the sketch i drew yesterday on top of the hill at halnaker windmill, i added shading, grass and depth, overall i am really pleased with the results,

i also drew a sunflower, which went amazingly well, til i went and ruined it, so that took a bit of rescuing to bring it back to life,

hope everyone has had a nice week and enjoys their weekend! x

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