Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Festival Mile

It's the start of the fest so I just had to take a wander up to the Royal Mile, it's obligatory blipping really isn't it? No doubt I'll be back up there most days photographing all the freaks and geeks! Love it.

I did wait until the rain went off for a bit though, especially after getting caught in a full on downpour in the Meadows this morning - no place to shelter! I was at the Doctor's having a blood test to determine if I have Coeliac Disease (it's an auto-immune disorder caused by an intolerance to gluten). It's a long shot but a lot of the symptoms are the same as M.E. so it's possible it could be that instead... I can't do anything about having M.E. but if it turned out I'm actually Coeliac I could do something about it, not that I'm inferring it's simple or easy but I could take positive action, change my diet and maybe feel better, maybe even be properly healthy again.

However trying not to get my hopes up, like I said it's a long shot and most probably unlikely, fingers crossed though. I never thought I'd be hoping that I had something like that, but it could make all the difference once treated.

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