
By tufty


After a torturous day with unbelievably bad-mannered house guests (and the bastards are still here...there's dedication to the cause of insensitivity!), we were driven (not by choice, I hasten to add), to a small lake to look around...that being the sort of thing that raises pulses to astronomic heights in the "damaged goods" that we presently find polluting our environment. I saw this as we were leaving the lake area after a pointless, impromptu walk in inappropriate footwear. It' s a couple of basic toilets, but the sign caught my eye...it reads "Warning, hornets!". I'm not sure if it's meant to act as a bona fide warning, or some sort of guarantee of privacy for whoever's inside! Another awful day of weather appears to be upon us, and god alone knows when the freeloaders are planning to leave us in peace. On the only positive side to be found...we now know that these people will never be allowed within a kilometre of us! Fairly depressing positive side, I know, but needs must...
I'm trying to concentrate on the elation that beckons when we finally see the back of "Mrs. Thicky", and her boy-friend "The ill-mannered, smart-arse, damaged-goods Lord High Chieftain of the minnows"!

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